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Learning Expeditions


Learning Expeditions are purposeful and immersive journeys designed to foster profound growth, exploration, and new insights through experiential approaches to learning. The focus of a learning expedition is the cultivation of skills, perspectives and personal development.

Participants are encouraged to question assumptions, adapt to unexpected challenges, and collaborate with fellow participants. This unique learning approach promotes critical thinking, creativity and adaptability, as individuals are exposed to unfamiliar situations and invited to sept out of their comfort zones. 

One Upcoming Learning Expeditions in 2024!

Baja Sea Kayak Learning Expedition for Educators & Educational Leaders


La Paz/Isla Espirito Santos               March 30-April 6, 2024


Educators & Leaders, are you ready to roll up your sleeves and learn more about experiential place-based learning & leading? Are you willing to bring this learning back and implement into your own professional practice? Then this 8-day field school is for you. Led by award-winning experiential educator Dr. Carrie Nolan, you will paddle, camp and have class sessions together to increase your understanding of the theory and practice of experiential place based learning & leading (EPBLL). 

Teaching and leading effectively requires inner strength and courage. What practical approaches can help us build genuine and reliable relationships within our communities and organizations? How do we nurture our own strength so that our 'soul shines on deck'? And how can we fully integrate our authentic selves into our work and life to find genuine joy? This learning adventure will explore these questions and to inspire, recharge and connect you to yourself, your purpose and others.

Cost: $3400 CDN (includes instruction & guiding services, course materials, 2 nights hotel in La Paz, food, boat shuttle, group camping gear incl. tents & sea kayaks – you need to pay airfare, any food and accommodation required during travel and baggage fees.)

[This Learning Expedition] was legitimately a transformative experience for me as an instructor. It really brought into focus the flaws of conventional teaching practices and highlighted the advantages our college has to be trailblazers in EPBL. It helped me identify the things I was already doing right but more importantly it provided tons of feedback about how I can improve the things that aren't aiding my students' learning.
                                                                                                   – Kirk Hart, Biology Instructor
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