I have spent over 1230 days in the backcountry with over 350 of those in leadership and paddled over 25,000km. This includes a cross Canada canoe expedition, guiding for Black Feather Wilderness Adventure Company, leading students from Briercrest and numerous personal expeditions.
Paddles & Pedagogy March 2018, Jan. 2019 & Feb. 2020
Took cohorts of 10 instructors on 6 day sea kayak trips in Espiritu Santos National Park while delivering a course in experiential place-based learning.
Path of the Paddle Water Trail 2015
My partner and I spent 58 days paddling the 1200km Path of the Paddle water trail in Northwestern Ontario from Thunder Bay, ON to Whiteshell Provincial Park, MB. We blogged (https://pathofthepaddlejonandcarrie.wordpress.com/) and filmed (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pc0AfB4Lf_c) this journey.
Black Feather Trips 2005-2009
Canoe, Nahanni River, 14 days, 2009
Canoe, Nahanni River, 14 days, 2009
Canoe, Keele River, 14 days, 2008
Canoe, Mountain River, 14 days, 2008
Canoe, Nahanni River, 14 days, 2008
Canoe, Keele River, 10 days, 2008
Canoe, Mackenzie River, 56 days, 2006
Canoe, Nahanni River, 14 days, 2005
Canoe, Nahanni River, 14 days, 2005
Canoe, Nahanni River, 14 days, 2005
Briercrest Adventure Program Trips 2001-2007
I spent over 200 field days with Briercrest students in the five years I worked there. Of note are 5 weeks hiking in Escalante National Monument in Utah (3 weeks as leader), 5 weeks paddling on the Churchill River, Saskatchewan (2 weeks as leader), 2 weeks paddling in the Queen Charlotte Islands in BC, 1 week sea kayaking in Baja, Mexico in 2005 and 2 weeks sea kayaking in Baja, Mexico in 2007/8.
Mackenzie Mission 2003
Ten weeks paddling the 1600km long Mackenzie River with students from the Outdoor Adventure & Administration BA program at Briercrest. We carried with us an 800lb. climbing wall and were a traveling summer camp – facilitating climbing and spending time with youth in each of the nine First Nations communities along the river.
Many Waters Expedition 1999-2001
As the first women duo to paddle ocean to ocean across Canada, this journey was undertaken to understand and share what it means to be Canadian by learning about the land and its peoples in a three summer (11 month), 9000km cross-Canada canoe voyage.
The Canoe Exchange 1998
This expedition was a 32-day, 1600km canoe trip down the Mackenzie River, Northwest Territories. My paddling partner, Laani Uunila, and I were sponsored by Lakehead University ORPT to embark on this journey.
Other Personal Expeditions & Outdoor Experience of Note
Canoeing, Temagami, ON, 15 days, 2022
Hiking, Seguaro National Park, AZ, 5 days, 2022
Camping, Deer Island, NB, 5 days, 2020
Canoeing, Temagami, ON, 5 days, 2019
Canoeing, Kitson Island, 3 days, 2018
Canoeing, Nanika Kidprice Provincial Park, BC, 6 days, 2017
Canoeing, Kitson Island, BC, 4 days, 2017
Sea Kayaking, Baja, Mexico, 11 days, 2013
Hiking, Escalante, Utah, 10 days, 2013
Canoeing, Green River, Utah, 15 days, 2012
Hiking, Utah and Nevada, 10 days, 2012
Canoeing, Georgian Bay, Ontario, 5 days, 2011
Canoeing, French River, Ontario, 7 days, 2010
Canoeing, Algonquin Park, Ontario, 9 days, 2009
Sea Kayaking, Maine, 3 days, 2008
Canoeing, Adirondacks, New York, 5 days, 2008
Sea Kayaking, Group, Baja, Mexico, 8 days, 2008
Sea Kayaking, Solo, Baja, Mexico, 8 days, 2007
Sea Kayaking, Maine, 3 days, 2007
Canoe Tripping Company Owner & Leader, 45 days, 1994-1997
Canoe Ranger, The Massassauga Provincial Park, 120 days, Summers 1993/4/5
9 Day Canoe Trips in Algonquin and 4 day Hiking Trips in Killarney, Outtrip Club, Parry Sound High School, 65 days, 1990-1994
Wilderness First Aid, May 2015, Wilderness Medical Associates, Thunder Bay, ON
Flatwater Kayak Instructor, May 2008, Paddle Canada, Parry Sound, ON
Wilderness First Responder, March 2007, Wilderness Medical Associates, Caronport, SK
National Life Savers (NLS), March 2003, Royal Lifesaving Society, Moose Jaw, SK
Moving Water II, Tandem, July 2002, Canadian. Rec. Canoe Assoc., Missinipe, SK
Level II Challenge Course Instructor, Sept. 2003, Challenges Unlimited, Rosseau, ON